Saturday, August 29, 2009

Delivery and Celebration

It has been a long and intense day. I just made it back after the latino party arranged by all our South and Central American classmates. It was an evening full of good food, home made caipirinhas, great rhythm, swinging hips and most of all good fun! Thanks to all the Latinos for a great evening!!

Today was also the phase 1 delivery of our ICP project to our client. We have been over the presentation again and again this week and today was no different in that respect. Our project is somewhat different from the rest as our client is not a company, but last year's MBA class represented by a panel of 5-6 people. We felt that the presentation went well and that we are on track before we move into the next phase, albeit there still is tons of work awaiting us there.

The MBA classes of 2003 and 2008 are having their reunions in Lausanne this weekend. We will use this opportunity to have the final football match between the 2008 and 2009 classes. It will be a match of epic proportions. Each team has won a match each, so this third and last match is of the utmost importance. I will unfortunately be missing it as I in a few hours will be heading out on a weekend motorbike ride arranged by IMD staff member Christian Steiger. We will be going around the lake and into France. I have been looking forward to this trip for weeks. I can wait to cruise through the valleys and climb the mountain passes.

Misayo Matsumoto (Japan) and Albert Schultz (Germany) enjoying South American food and a Mexican beer.

Chuks and Uche showed their daughter Isabella for the first time. Isabella was born only hours before Chuks got on the plan to South Africa with the rest of the class. Here they are flanked by Wouter Naessens (Belgium) and Natalie. Wouter and Natalie got married during the summer vacation.

So far this years IMD class have delivered nine babies and there is more on the way!

The partners entertained with a Brazilian dance.

Tonight was the birthday of Manisha Mediratta. According to Mexican traditions the birthday 'child' gets the first hit at a socalled pinata filled with candy. The only catch is that you have to hit it blindfolded. Alejandro Salcedo (Mexico) gives instructions to Manisha.

Rasmus Figenschou (Norway) ended up giving the Pinata the final blow with one of the tubes used for recycling paper cups. Then there was candy for everyone.

Ryo Abe (Japan), Oren Yehudai (Israel), Joost Mackor (The Netherlands), Yuri Vasilkov (Russia) and Valeria Pavlyukovskaya (Russia) under the empty Pinata

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