Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Early birds

I feel more tired today than I normally do at this hour and I just remembered why. This morning I actually managed to get up an hour earlier than normal in order to get some reading done. I was so tired last night at midnight that it did not make sense to work anymore, so I took the chance and went to bed with the aim of getting up early. That is indeed a chance when you are me because it almost always backfires, meaning that I do not manage to get up earlier after all. I am one of those kind of people that needs the threat of being late for something in order to get out of bed, but then it also works quite well!

The only bad thing about getting up earlier is that you do not gain any time as such. You just get tired an hour earlier than usual. And once it starts it bites its own tale, so I am probably better off going to bed now and getting up even earlier tomorrow.


After class today we met in our startup team to start preparing the presentation for the exam on 30 May. Here it is Cedric Jusseaume [France] (writing) and Gerald Lo [Malaysia] adjusting some of the slides. We have lots and lots of information. The trick is to get it all into 7-8 slides that can be communicated clearly in 15 minutes.

We played a friendly football match tonight against a company in the area. Not because we really have time, but because we took the time. Parc de Milan is an oasis in the middle of the city. I can't wait to be able to enjoy it properly on a day where I have time to spare.

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