Monday, June 1, 2009

From Shrek to Cinderella

I just sent in my second leadership paper. 4936 words on the roles that I either take or that I am given in different groups and in different settings. Sounds weird? It did to me as well when we went through the first leadership classes back in January. Transactional analysis, child-parents relationships, group dynamics and power plays. I was skeptical. Were we not over-analyzing things?

Today we use all of this terminology without thinking about it. In describing the roles I have heard about my classmates using such colorful characters as Shrek, Cinderella, Scarlet O'Hara, Curious George and Gandhi. At times it almost becomes philosophical. Just listen to this quote from my paper:

'The tricky thing is that you think that people think in a certain way and therefore you start acting as if they think the way you think they think!'

Did you get that? :-) I hope the person reading my paper does as well.

And now I better get a couple of hours of sleep before we head into the last week of classes before the final exams. I can't believe we are this far already.

'Godnat og sov godt!' as we say in Denmark.

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